Viktors Tihonovs
Head of the Law Firm of the Sworn Advocate Andris Grūtups, Sworn Advocate
Born 3 June 1975
1997-1999 – University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, Master’s Degree in Social Science
1993 – 1997 - University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, Bachelor’s Degree in Law
2000 up to now - the Law Firm of the Sworn Advocate Andris Grūtups, Sworn Advocate
1998 – 2000 - AAS Balta, Head of the Legal Department
1997 – 1998 - AS Doma Banka, Head of the Legal Division
1997 – 1998 – Acting Advisor to the Cabinet of Ministers on International and European Law Affairs, State Chancellery, Senior Desk Officer
1995 – 1997 – Senior Desk Officer, Legal Analysis Department, Ministry of Justice
1994 – 1995 - Senior Desk Officer, Department of Legal Systematisation and Codification, Ministry of Justice
Civil Case Law. Volume II. Riga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2013
The Absence of a Criminal Offence in Bribery, if there is no Presence of the Subjective Part of a Person (Noziedzīga nodarījuma sastāva neesamība kukuļdošanā, ja nav personas subjektīvās puses). Jurista Vārds, 2 April 2013, No. 13 (764).
Insight into the Legal Regulation of the Work Remuneration of an Advocate in Latvia. (Ieskats advokāta darba atalgojuma tiesiskajā regulējumā Latvijā). Jurista Vārds, 19 June 2012, No. 25 (724).
Insight into the Issues of Share Belonging (Ieskats akciju piederības jautājumā). Jurista Vārds, 22 May 2012, No. 21 (720).
Civil Case Law. Riga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2004
On the Little-known Trust Relationship (Par mazzināmajām trasta attiecībām), with sequels, Latvijas Vēstnesis, February 2001.
On Compensation Claims in the Civil Service and the Interpretation of Legal Provisions (Par atalgojuma prasījumiem civildienestā un tiesību normu iztulkošanu), Latvijas Vēstnesis, 31 October 2000.
The Book “Nikolay Vīnzarājs, Problems of Civil Law” (Nikolajs Vīnzarājs, Civiltiesību problēmas), the co-author, 2000.
On the Forms of Conclusion of Treaties with a Constituent State of the Russian Federation (Par līguma slēgšanas formām ar Krievijas Federācijas dalībvalsti), Latvijas Vēstnesis, 5 February 1998.
Settlement and Rescinding a Contract at the Enforcement Stage of a Court Judgment (Izlīgums un atcēlējlīgums tiesas sprieduma izpildes stadijā), Latvijas Vēstnesis, 26 September 1997.