Jānis Lazdiņš
Born in Riga, 29 April 1966
Since 2010 – the Eastern European partner of Max-Planck-Institute für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Frankfurt am Main) (IMPRS-Netzwerkpartnerschaft)
Doctoral degree of law science of the Republic of Latvia (Dr. iur.) granted in 2001 in the Faculty of law of the University of Latvia. The common name of the works promoted for the doctoral thesis – The genesis and evolution of private law in Latvia (10th-20th century (Privāttiesību ģenēze un evolūcija Latvijā (X–XX gs.)
History master’s degree granted in the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the University of Latvia in 1995
Lawyers qualification and bachelor’s degree in law granted in the University of Latvia, Faculty of Law in 1995
Since 4 January 2007 - Sworn Advocate
2001 – 2007 – the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia. From 1 February 2007 to 30 June 2007 – the acting dean of the faculty
Since 2002 – the chief editor of the magazine Latvijas Universitātes Raksti. Juridiskā zinātne. In 2010 the edition was reformed into Latvijas Universitātes žurnāls. Juridiskā zinātne
Since 1995, the academic force of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia. In 2008, elected as a professor
1994 – 1995 – The Riga District Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Latvia – investigator of the prosecutor’s office, prosecutor
67 publications, out of which more than 50 have been in peer reviewed editions on law philosophy, history and tax law problems in Latvian, German, Russian and English. The most significant ones:
1. Die Einfluss des Geistes des Allgemeinen Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches für die gesamten Deutschen Erbländer der Österreihischen Monarhie auf das baltische zivilrechtliche Denken, in: 200 Jahre ABGB – Ausstrahlungen. Die Bedeutung der Kodifikation für andere Staaten und andere Rechtskulturen. Hrsg. Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Geistlinger, O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friedrich Harrer, Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Mosler, O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes M. Rainer, Wien: Manzsche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung, 2011. – S. 211-224.
2. Die Geschichte der Reprivatisierung und der Privatisierung des Eigentums in Lettland im 20. Jahrhundert, in: Nationalismus und Rechtsgeschichte im Ostseeraum nach 1800. Beiträge vom 5. Rechtshistorikertag im Ostseeraum 3. – 4. November 2008. Ditlev Tamm und Helle Vogt (HRSG.). København: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 2010 – S. 112–126.
3. Development Trends of the Law of the Republic of Latvia after the Restoration of Independence in the years 1990 - 1991 (Latvijas Republikas tiesību attīstības tendences pēc neatkarības atjaunošanas 1990. – 1991. gadā) // Magazine of the University of Latvia. Law Science (Juridiskā Zinātne). – 2010. – No. 1 – pp. 53–80.
4. Observation of the Principle of Justice in the Imposition of Residential Tax on the Income of Residents (Taisnīguma principa ievērošana iedzīvotāju ienākumu aplikšanā ar iedzīvotāju ienākuma nodokli) // Articles of the University of Latvia. Law Science (Juridiskā Zinātne). Riga: University of Latvia. – 2008 – No. 740 – pp. 95.–111.
5. Collective Monograph: Latvian Sources of Law. Texts and comments. 2nd volume. Sources of Law of Swedish and Polish times. (1561 0 1795). In the edition of Dr.hist. Blūzma. Authors Romāns Apsītis, Valdis Blūzma, Jānis Lazdiņš. Riga, College of Law, 2006 (Kolektīva monogrāfija: Latvijas tiesību avoti. Teksti un komentāri. 2. sējums. Poļu un zviedru laika tiesību avoti (1561–1795). Dr. hist. V. Blūzmas redakcijā. Autori: Romāns Apsītis, Valdis Blūzma, Jānis Lazdiņš. Rīga: Juridiskā koledža, 2006.).
6. Monograph: Private Law of Baltic Framers (XIX century) – Riga, Turiba University, 2000 (Monogrāfija: Baltijas zemnieku privāttiesības (XIX gs.). – Rīga: Biznesa augstskola “Turība”, 2000.).
Russian, German and English (communication level)